Institution's language policy
- ANSBB puts emphasis on language education (every student participates in two foreign language courses preparing to TELC exams – according to the European Council guidelines)
- certified language teachers and native speakers are employed
- Foreign Languages Department (FLD) provides opportunity to students allowing them to join TELC language courses and exams
- FLD prepares candidates linguistically before they go to host institution (additional language survival)
- FLD examines the candidates language competences - a language interview - during the selection procedure
- The School closely cooperates with students while preparing foreign exchanges and participating in international projects/contracts and agreements.
The strategic policy of the Bielsko-Biala University of Applied Sciences states that one of its main objectives is to establish itself as a dynamic international university. In order to do so, Bielsko-Biala University of Applied Sciences puts special emphasis on offering learning paths of study or individual courses taught in international languages.
The Rector is responsible for Bielsko-Biala University of Applied Sciences Language Policy; the Head of the Foreign Languages Department oversees its implementation.
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
The European Commission awards the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) to the institution and in accepting this charter, the institution commits to several key principles and actions. Firstly, the institution pledges to uphold the principles of non-discrimination, transparency, and inclusion as outlined in the Erasmus+ Programme. It aims to ensure the quality of mobility activities and cooperation projects throughout the application and implementation phases. The institution undertakes to implement the priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme by ensuring equal access and opportunities for all participants, including those with fewer opportunities. It also commits to promoting environmentally friendly practices, encouraging civic engagement, and charging no fees for incoming mobile students in credit mobility.
Regarding mobility activities, the institution plans to ensure fair and transparent selection procedures, support linguistic proficiency and intercultural competencies, publish course catalogues in advance, and provide comprehensive support to incoming mobile participants, including assistance with visas and insurance. During mobility, the institution will ensure equal academic treatment for incoming students, promote safety, and provide mentoring and language support. After mobility, it will provide transcripts of records, ensure full and automatic recognition of credits, and encourage mobile participants to act as programme ambassadors. In the context of European and international cooperation projects, the institution will ensure that activities contribute to the fulfilment of the Erasmus+ Programme's objectives, lead to sustainable outcomes, and provide support to staff and students interested in participating.
For implementation and monitoring, the institution commits to describing its long-term institutional strategy in the Erasmus Policy Statement, communicating and applying the principles of the charter, promoting activities supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, and displaying the charter and policy statement prominently. The institution acknowledges that the Erasmus+ National Agency will monitor the implementation of the charter and that violations may lead to the withdrawal of the charter by the European Commission.
The principles of non-discrimination, transparency, and inclusion set out in the Erasmus+ Programme are central to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. These principles require the institution to ensure equal and equitable access and opportunities to current and prospective participants from all backgrounds, paying particular attention to the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities. Additionally, the institution must implement digital mobility management in line with the technical standards of the European Student Card Initiative to promote transparency and fairness in mobility activities. These principles aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all participants, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Bielsko-Biała University of Applied Science ensures equal and equitable access and opportunities to participants from all backgrounds by implementing several key measures outlined in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. These measures include:
- The university promotes environmentally friendly practices in all activities related to the Erasmus+ Programme.
- It encourages the participation of individuals with fewer opportunities in the Programme.
- The university charges no fees for tuition, registration, examinations, or access to facilities for incoming mobile students in credit mobility.
- It promotes civic engagement and encourages students and staff to get involved as active citizens before, during, and after their participation in a mobility activity or cooperation project.
- The university ensures fair, transparent, coherent, and documented selection procedures for mobility activities.
- It provides active support to incoming mobile participants throughout the process of finding accommodation and obtaining visas and insurance when required.
- The university ensures that students are aware of their rights and obligations as defined in the Erasmus Student Charter.
- It undertakes the necessary steps to implement digital mobility management in line with the technical standards of the European Student Card Initiative.
Bielsko-Biała University of Applied Science ensures the long-term institutional strategy's relevance to the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme by adhering to the guidelines outlined in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. This includes describing the long-term institutional strategy and aligning it with the Erasmus+ Programme's objectives and priorities in the Erasmus Policy Statement. Additionally, the university ensures that the principles of the Charter are well communicated and applied by staff at all levels. It regularly promotes activities supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, prominently displays the Charter and the Erasmus Policy Statement on the institution's website and relevant channels, and utilizes the ECHE Guidelines and Self-assessment to ensure the full implementation of the Charter's principles.
Furthermore, the institution acknowledges that the Erasmus+ National Agency will monitor the implementation of the Charter, and any violation of the principles and commitments may lead to the withdrawal of the Charter by the European Commission.
Erasmus Policy Statement
Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning mobility:
- The mobility of higher education students and staff
Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organisations and institutions:
- Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices
Project objectives of Bielsko-Biala University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter referred to as ANSBB or the University) are in line with both the European Union's 2020 Strategy to Drive Forward and Maintain Sustainable Growth and Provide the Highly Skilled Human Capital and the University’s Mission and Development Strategy for 2020-2027. Attention is paid to internationalization of the education process, adjusting the education process to the needs of the labour market, achieving comparability of student learning outcomes, quality of the education programs (innovative teaching methods and techniques), joint research and academic staff excellence. To realize these goals, ANSBB has participated in numerous national and international projects, including international consortia of universities (e.g. Erasmus Mundus projects).
The vision of ANSBB future development anticipates that: (a) the number of educational programmes taught in English language will increase yearly, (b) faculties will offer lectures conducted by foreign Visiting Professors, (c) ANSBB will build its position in Europe, carrying out projects and international programmes, (d) ANSBB will actively joint initiatives with renown academic centres within the area of education and research.
Priority objectives include, among others:
- Conducting the programmes of studies in a way that will encourage the mobility of students, and academic staff, e.g. by scheduling mobility windows in the programmes curricula and making the class schedules much more flexible in order to enable a more active use of lectures conducted by Visiting Professors,
- Introducing obligatory completion of some of the curricula courses taught in English,
- Internationalizing the teaching process (e.g. enlarging the educational offer available in English) and achieving comparability of student learning outcomes that should be recognised across the EU,
- Adjusting the programme requirements to international standards (e.g. knowledge of two languages in addition to one’s mother tongue) and labour market expectations, development of unstandardized and flexible forms of teaching in accordance with the University's policy on long life learning and continuing education,
- Preparing joint educational study offer with international partners (introduction of standardized criteria of students’ recruitment, joint study programs, mutual recognition of educational achievements, double diplomas etc.),
- Making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning, improving both the quality and relevance of learning and teaching and making higher education more accessible to a wider range of students.
Based on ANSBB’s previous experiences, the University makes every effort to increase mobility of students of all faculties, to search for new directions and exchange partners while assuring the highest European standards of higher education. ANSBB conducts its international activity basing on agreements established with leading European and world HEIs such as Zilina University (SK), University in Opava (CZ), Siena University (Italy), Madeira University (Portugal), University of Santiago de Compostella (Spain), University of Palermo (Italy), Kyiv Vadym Hetman National Economic University (Ukraine), Fairfield University (USA), Hawaii University (USA), Al-Hussein BIN Talal University (JO). Currently, ANSBB is in the process of negotiating partnerships with some North America universities. ANSBB invites students and academic staff from partner universities to participate in mobilities. This leads both to an increase in the number of students and academic staff from partner universities studying and giving lectures in ANSBB and facilitates the process of the University’s internationalisation.
Priority objectives and target groups defined in ANSBB’s international activity, with reference to the above-mentioned countries are, in particular:
- carrying out student and staff exchanges,
- realization of student work placements/traineeships within Erasmus+,
- offering courses in English language in all Faculties,
- developing projects within the framework of Erasmus Mundus - (joint studies of 1st and 2nd cycle, staff and student mobility, internships),
- convergence of faculties,
- responding to the needs of the job market,
- offering opportunity to acquire additional digital skills and experiences,
- offering opportunity to study in multicultural environments which facilitates understanding and orientation on international job markets,
- offering opportunity to develop academically and to gather materials for scientific research,
- supporting creativity and innovativeness.
Additionally, thanks to participation in the Erasmus+ Program, the University will be able to:
- increase the number of graduates at all levels - raising the attractiveness of education through the implementation of the education process abroad, more candidates will be willing to choose the specializations on offer; the usage of information and communication technologies in the education process will also be helpful in increasing the number of students and graduates as it gives educational opportunities for people who, for various reasons (personal, health, financial), are not able to participate in regular classes.
- in the area of improving the quality and usefulness of human capital development in higher education - to enable students to become familiar with other methods of training, acquisition of new competences including language skills, ability to function in multicultural environment. Thanks to participation in the Program students will be able to better adapt to a highly competitive international market. The exchange of academic staff will help them to become familiar with the scientific work abroad which will have an impact on the level of teaching and research.
- to create effective and supporting excellent mechanisms for management and financing – participation of academic staff and administration workers in the exchange program helps to become acquainted with the methods of management and organizational solutions what will facilitate the work of the University as an institution. Moreover, it will also be possible to enhance the quality of support for students and scientific-research staff. Using the experience of other universities, it will be easier to search for more efficient funding sources and grants for research or development of the University’s infrastructure.
- linking education, research and business - through participation in the exchange program in the framework of apprenticeship and practice students and scientific staff will be able to make contacts with companies and research centers where they will be able to test their competencies. Close contacts with business world will allow for better recognition of the employers’ expectations towards graduates and will give possibility to adjust the scope of study to the needs of the job market.
- intensifying international dimension of higher education - participation in the Program gives the University a chance to enhance the contacts with foreign partners and to facilitate mobilities between the countries. This factor will influence the effectiveness of international dimension of education.
Top priority objective is the implementation of provisions of Quality Assurance System in the process of realisation of all the above-mentioned aims. Quality assurance in mobility projects and joint projects is the task of the highest rank.
ANSBB respects the rule of equal access to education regardless of nationality, creed, sex, race and is fully accessible for the needs of disabled students and academic staff.
ANSBB’s takes great pride in the fact that its graduates are highly wanted on the labour market and competences of graduates are highly graded by entrepreneurs. The University is going to strengthen further efforts for intensification of its relations with industry within the framework of various cooperation partnerships which will result in better adjustment of current education programmes to the demands of the labour market, student practical trainings and staff joint initiatives for local communities.
Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning mobility (The mobility of higher education students and staff) - ANSBB conducts its international activity on the basis of agreements established with leading European and world HEIs, including Zilina University (SK), University in Opava (CZ), Siena University (Italy), Madeira University (Portugal), University of Santiago de Compostella (Spain), University of Palermo (Italy), Kyiv Vadym Hetman National Economic University (Ukraine), Fairfield University (USA), Hawaii University (USA), Al-Hussein BIN Talal University (JO). The mobilities will cover:
- student periods abroad to study at partner universities or to complete an internship program for a period from 2 up to 12 months;
- graduates mobilities for apprenticeships / internships to other program countries for a period from 2 up to 12 months;
- mobilities of academic staff or representatives of local business world to teach lectures and classes at universities in program countries;
- mobilities of the University employees (both academic teachers and administrative staff) to universities, institutions, organizations, enterprises in other program countries for training purposes.
- Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organisations and institutions (Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices) - The University intends to develop new international partnerships with organizations from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education and training. Research will be conducted in the field of expectations of employers with respect to competences of university graduates and the degree of their adaptation to the needs of the labour market. In this way, it will be possible to prepare training programs and reduce skills gaps with regard to one or more occupational profiles in a specific sector. The University intends to develop and implement new learning and teaching methods (like new multidisciplinary curricula, learner-centered and real problem-based teaching and learning); organizing continuing educational programs and activities with and within companies, jointly developing solutions for challenging issues, product and process innovation (students, professors and practitioners together); involving company staff into teaching and research process at the University (practical education); organizing learning mobility activities of students, researchers and staff – in this way supporting activities of the Alliance and bringing added value to the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme. ANSBB will support the initiatives of small faculty teams and individual lecturers involved in international cooperation, so that emerging projects and created consortia are the result of long-standing cooperation with foreign centers. To achieve the goal, research has already been undertaken to determine skill gaps.
The envisaged impact of Erasmus+ Programme on the University will contribute to:
- increase in students' interest in improving their language competence;
- improvement in the students’ exam outcomes which is particularly vital for those who will apply for a scholarship under the Erasmus + program;
- improvement in the perception of students by employers (the University runs an Employers' Convention under which employers may assess future candidates and indicate areas in which future graduates should improve their competences. During the meetings of the Convention, employers emphasize the importance of student participation in the Erasmus Program Plus, which builds their greater awareness and entrepreneurial attitudes valued on the labor market);
- tightening of cooperation with faculties which welcome Erasmus grant holders from partner institutions, by inviting employees of these faculties and students to participate in scientific events organized by ANSBB. An example of this may be participation of students and employees of the University of Žilina and ANSBB in conferences organized by the ANSBB. Another joint initiative of our University and the University of Žilina was the joint summer program of the youth.
- increase the reach and raising awareness among ANSBB employees (STA and STT) to participate in mobilities, as participation in international mobilities has already become a part of the assessment of academic staff. This is done by the staff evaluation committee. Employee participation in foreign programs is also one of the priorities set out in the University's development strategy for 2021-2025.
- facilitating of the contact of employees of ANSBB with the employees of partner universities in the scope of joint scientific undertakings. Talks related to this area are usually one of the topics of conversation during mobilities.
- improvement in knowledge, experience of the administrative staff and facilitating their personal development.
- progress towards double diploma programmes. These activities are also consistent with the policy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the field of international studies and obtaining double diplomas by university graduates.
The project will significantly affect the growth of the applicant's potential in ongoing international cooperation through:
- gaining experience in conducting lectures in a foreign language,
- creating a collection of lectures in a foreign language also available to students visiting the Applicant's university,
- presenting ANSBB's scientific/didactic potential at partner universities what may contribute to the extension of the scope of cooperation and establish new partnerships.
The project will also highlight the University's efforts to internationalize its educational process on the local/regional market what was noticed and recognised on the national arena by awarding ANSBB the title of the University of the Year in 2014, 2015 and 2016. The reward is issued by the Central Bureau of National Certification and Accreditation and. Another title the University has received is The Best University with International Experience awarded by the International Education Society. The University is going to apply for more international accreditations which evaluate the quality of teaching.
The project helps to establish new alliances with foreign universities and opens doors to large university consortia. An example is the University's participation in Erasmus Mundus consortia run by the University of Santiago de Compostela, Cagliari University, Humbolt University, Staffordshire University, Minho University.
The Bielsko-Biała University of Applied Sciences is planning to send at least 10 of its students to partner universities for a period of studies and welcome at least 20 of students from partner universities. The University is planning to send at least 10 university staff for an Erasmus+ mobility (5 lecturers and 5 administrative staff) and welcome 10 teaching staff from partner universities.
Thus, it can be concluded that the project allows to increase the University's recognition in almost every dimension on local, regional, national and international arena.