Panel of Senior Scholars
Moderator: dr Aleksander Sapiński
keynote speaker
AI in Education and Business. The digital transformation for critical human security.
płk. dr hab. Inż. Sławmoir Augustyn, prof. WAT – Military University of Technology
keynote speaker
Challenges in Entrepreneurship: Bridge the innovation skills gap through digital learning and VR
prof. dr Olha Prokopenko – Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences
The impact of research on the democratization of scientific inquiry: opportunities and threats.
prof. dr Mariana Shkoda - Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (UA)
ICT, Change of Mobility and Change of Processes
dr h.c. prof. – Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Tatiana Čorejová, PhD. – University of Żilina
Application of Virtual Reality in Logistics: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Prospects
Doc. dr hab. Nazar Hlynskyy, doc. dr Oksana Dovhun – National University „Lviv Polytechnic” (UA)
Enterprise Generative Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Cognitive Algorithmic Economy
doc. Ing. Martin Bugaj, PhD. – University of Żilina (SK)
Innovations in Business Processes
dr hab. Ignacy Petecki – Petecki Group
Coffee break
Innovations in Business Processes
dr hab. Ignacy Petecki – Petecki Group
Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence: A Synergistic Approach to Global Sustainability
dr Khaled Guesmi – Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC), Paris School of Business, France
Talent Management and Artificial Intelligence
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Younes Karrouk – Leaders Club Research Lab (Maroco)
The Impact of Policies and Regulations on the Agility of Higher Academic Institutions in Dubai, the UAE
Dr. Mohamad Jommal – The British University in Dubai
Selection of Logistics Service Providers – From Spreadsheets to Virtual Reality
mgr inż. Krystyna Ledwig – Bielsko-Biala University of Applied Sciences
Exploring Consumers' Thoughts and Behaviors Regarding Sustainability: A Qualitative Study on US-American Consumers
Dr. Aysun KAHRAMAN – Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey